Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Friday:
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Walk-in’s
12:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Appointments
Wednesday: All day walk-in’s
Thursday: Closed
DEERS Appointments can be made at https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/
*Wednesdays: Civilian/Contractor New Hires have priority*
*Walk-in hours may adjust to influx of customers*
*Closed AMC Family Days and Holidays*
*Closed every Thursday for Readiness*
*Must bring hardcopy documents, we do not have the capability to print*
View Hours
Military Personnel Flight
Who Do You Need To Reach?
Authorized ID card holders can get an ID card at any DEERS location
Best browser for AFNET users is Google Chrome
About Military Personnel Flight (MPF)
The Military Personnel Flight of the 375th Force Support Squadron provides personnel and manpower support to HQ USTRANSCOM, HQ AMC, 18 AF, three Wings and 136 Geographically Separated Units, servicing over 46,000 military, civilian, retirees and dependents.
Customer Support
Initial issue for dependent ID cards is age 10. If child is under this age with a current ID, the ID may be renewed. Dependents should receive a new ID when the sponsor’s status has changed (i.e.: AD/ANG/AFRES, retirement, Commissioning…etc.). Full-time college students ages 21 to 23 need to have DEERS updated with information from their college of their full-time enrollment (only a DEERS update is required – the ID card can be expired). This requires a letter from the school registrar which lists the projected graduation date and that student is enrolled full-time. Finally, those members age 23 to 26 are eligible to apply for TRICARE young adult (coverage must be paid for prior to generating an ID card). Attention: please download the Pre-Arrival Checklist. Members must also bring 2 forms of valid/unexpired identification. Please download the full list of acceptable documents
Sponsor’s (and their dependents) turning age 65, may need MEDICARE updated if the feed from SSA fails. When MEDICARE information is updated in DEERS, TRICARE will accept the claims regardless of the expiration date on the card. TRICARE coverage will remain intact as it is not associated with ID card expiration dates. Attention: please download the Pre-Arrival Checklist. Members must also bring 2 forms of valid/unexpired identification. Please download the full list of acceptable documents.
100% Disabled American Veteran (DAV)
Members must bring in 2 forms of valid/unexpired IDs, DD Form 214, and a letter from the VA stating that they are 100% disabled, with the effective date and if they are temporary or permanently disabled. Attention: please download the Pre-Arrival Checklist. Members must also bring 2 forms of valid/unexpired identification. Please download the full list of acceptable documents.
Active Duty/National Guard/Reserve/Civilian
The ID Card section is accepting appointments and walk-ins for all services. Our walk-in hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and on Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We recommend to schedule a RAPIDS appointment. Our appointment calendar is projected 30-days in advance and is available on the 15th of every month. We cannot guarantee same day appointments/service due to the availability of our DEERS systems and the level of priority of our customers. Closing times listed do not always reflect customers will be accepted up to that time. It may be necessary to cease taking customers earlier in order to prioritize customers already waiting in our lobby by the end of the business day. Attention: please download the Pre-Arrival Checklist. Members must also bring 2 forms of valid/unexpired identification. Please download the full list of acceptable documents.
Note: We are no longer accepting DEERS updates and ID renewal documents via email. Customers must physically bring their documents in person during our business hours. Failure to bring the proper/valid documents at the time of your appointment/walk-in will delay our capability to service you.
Civilian New Hires/Contractors
New hire DoD civilian and new contractor employees have priority walk-in times every Wednesday between the hours of 0800-1500 to be issued their initial Common Access Card (CAC). New hires must have their profile created in TASS by the contract POC. If the profile is not created at the time of arrival, then they will not be able to receive their Common Access Card (CAC). If you are a contract POC and are scheduling a group block of new hires, please email our org box at 375FSS.FSMPS@us.af.mil.
If you are a contract POC and are scheduling a group block of new hires, please email our org box first.
Career Development
Outbound Assignments
Outbound Assignments
Please coordinate all documents to your assignment Counselor via email.
Final-Out Appointment Requirements:
**Completed vOP Checklist**: The vOP must be checked off by ALL AGENCIES. There are no exceptions. “Wet” signatures are only acceptable when vMPF is down. Verify ALL agencies signed off 1 duty day prior to final-out appointment. You must reach out to each office listed to inquire about their protocol during this time.
In order to get your vOP checklist loaded, you will need to attend the weekly Initial Assignment Brief that is held every Tuesday (except for Holidays & AMC Family Days) at 1000; you will also need to provide your DoD ID number and Projected Departure Date.
- 1 copy of your SGLV 8286, Service Members’ Group Life Insurance (https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/)
- 1 copy of your Fitness Score Card. The expiration date must be at least 42 days after your “Report No Later Than Date.”
- DD Form 1172
- AF Form 330
- Flight Itinerary (only applicable to OCONUS)
- All other documents required for your assignment (please refer to your ‘Cheat Sheet’ that is attached to your initial and/or final out appointment e-mail)
Final-Out Procedures
**Any items missing from the list below or an incomplete vOP checklist will result in being turned away, until all actions are completed, and you will have to return during the next out processing briefing.**
Final Out Processing Appointments are completed in person, unless you are stationed at a GSU. If you are at a GSU, please respond to the email we sent with a personal phone number so we can complete your final out virtually. Once all documents on the “Cheat Sheet” have been turned in your final out will be scheduled via calendar invite. We will provide the AF330 and your orders to sign along with your final out-processing package on the date of your final out.
Mandatory Documents REGARDLESS of Gaining Location
- AF Form 330 (completed and signed)
- Signed Orders
- Completed vOP checklist
- FITREP (must be current 42 days after RNTLD, not PDD)
Mandatory Documents if you have Dependents REGARDLESS of Gaining Location
- DD Form 1172 (Signed pulled from MilConnect or provided by Customer Service)
- Completed Dependent Medical Clearance (email from MyVector, or screenshot showing dependents cleared for travel)
- If stateside and NOT Q Coded: Signed Medical Clearance Memo
- If stateside AND Q Coded: Signed 1466
- If Overseas: Signed 1466 regardless if not Q Coded
Mandatory Documents if you have PPCs REGARDLESS of Gaining Location
- All documents that are required to get orders must be printed and brought with you
Mandatory Documents IF going Overseas
- Flight Itinerary
- NATO Orders (if applicable)
- Check the Foreign Clearance Guide for any country specific requirements as well
- Dependent Passports
If you have any questions or concerns related to outbound assignments please email 375 FSS/FSPD Career Development 375FSS.FSMPD@us.af.mil
Reenlistments & Extensions
Reenlistments & Extensions
If you are in your window to reenlist, please contact the 375 FSS Reenlistment and Extensions organizational email below. Reenlistments require an Article 137 brief training via Air Force myLearning and a signed Article 137 Briefing Memo conducted by the legal office within 30 days of the projected reenlistment. An Article 137 Briefing Memo will be sent along with instructions for completion upon receipt of your e-mail.
In order to extend, please ensure that you meet an extension reason which is listed in AFI36-2606, Table 6.2.
Reenlistment Worksheet
Extension Worksheet
It is our recommendation that you start either process NLT 90 days from your date of separation (DOS). Starting the process within a 30 day window of your DOS can be problematic and lead to pay issues.
Existing guidance authorizes virtual reenlistments — the re-enlistee does not have to be co-located with their reenlisting official in order to complete the reenlistment. As long as the reenlisting official is performing the oath before the reenlistee, this meets the spirit and intent of AF instructions. All other requirements outlined in AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment and Extension of Enlistment in the USAF, still apply.
If you have any questions or concerns related to Retentions please email 375fss.fsmpd@us.af.mil
Retirements & Separations
If you are Separating, please ensure you apply for separation in myFSS under ‘Separations’, and then select “Initiating DOS Separation.” You will then be prompted to complete your Pre-Separation Order Worksheet and your DD 214 Worksheet. The Pre-Separation Order Worksheet is REQUIRED in order for AFPC to process your orders. For any questions regarding your orders, please refer to the Total Force Service Center at DSN 665-0102.
If you are Retiring, please ensure you apply for retirement in myFSS under ‘Retirement, then select ‘General Information’, then click the ‘Applying for Retirement’ link, and lastly select “Determine your retirement eligibility”. The Retirement Eligibility module will then request data from MilPDS and sync the information. Follow the prompts and fill out the retirement application.
After you are notified of your approved separation or retirement, please e-mail our organizational workflow at 375 FSS/FSPD Career Development 375FSS.FSMPD@us.af.mil so that our office can load your Virtual Out-Processing (vOP) checklist, and schedule you for a final out appointment and provide you with the appropriate booklet. Also in your e-mail, please include any projected leave dates.
**All documents are required to be hand carried to Retirements and Separations org during your final out. Any items missing from the booklet or not completed on the vOP checklist will result in being turned away until all actions are completed.**
Final Out Processing Appointments are completed in person, unless you are stationed at a GSU. If you are at a GSU, please respond to the email we sent with a personal phone number so we can complete your final out virtually. We will make a copy of your out-processing documents at your final out when it is completed.
Final-Out Appointment Requirements:
- Retirement/Separation Booklet: All documents outlined in the booklet MUST be signed and completed in order to complete your final out.
- Completed vOP Checklist: The vOP must be checked off by ALL AGENCIES. There are no exceptions. “Wet” signatures are only acceptable when vMPF is down. Verify ALL agencies signed off 1 duty day prior to final-out appointment. You must reach out to each office listed to inquire about their protocol during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns related to retirements or separations, please e-mail 375 FSS/FSPD Career Development 375FSS.FSMPD@us.af.mil.
Enlisted and Officer Promotions
Technical School Graduates – This only applies to Airmen that were guaranteed A1C after completion of technical school on their six year enlistment contract. For our office to update your rank to A1C with the proper effective date, you will need to e-mail the Promotions office the following documents:
- Copy of your Basic Military Training (BMT) certificate
- DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document – Armed Forces of the United States
- Technical school certificate
Regarding Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME) and Fitness Assessment (FA) promotion eligibility requirements- If you are not current for EPME or your FA due to COVID-19 the Promotions office will automatically submit a waiver for you on the month you are due to promote. We will coordinate with your commander to determine if you will be eligible to promote or remain on hold until you have fulfilled the requirement.
If you have any questions or concerns related to enlisted or officer promotions please email 375FSS.FSPD.Promotions@us.af.mil.
Force Management
The Force Management Section is responsible for Awards and Decorations, Duty Information Updates, Classifications, Evaluations, G-Series Orders, SDAP, and Adverse Actions. All inquiries should be submitted to the 375 FSS/FSPM Force Management inbox.
Awards & Decorations
If you qualify for an award or decoration, a source document is required for MilPDS update. Members must submit one of the following forms of source documentation to 375 FSS/FSPM Force Management inbox.
- Completed Decoration/Citation
- Signed AF Form 104
- AFSM/HSM must be signed by an Air Force O-6
- Memorandum in Lieu of AF Form 104 with the signature (on each page if multiple pages)
- AFSM/HSM must be signed by an Air Force O-6
- Travel Orders showing proof of ribbon qualification
- Travel Voucher showing proof of ribbon qualification
- Training Report/Evaluation showing proof of ribbon qualification
NOTE: Some higher level awards or decorations might require additional documentation. *To see a list of all ribbons and decorations, visit myPers Ribbons and Decorations List.
If a member believes a unit they were assigned to has earned an unit award, they can visit myPers Recognition Program Home Page to validate the award (website lists unit awards from 1991 – current). Members must be able to prove that they were assigned to the unit during that timeframe before MilPDS records can be updated.
IAW AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluations Systems, para completed OPRs and EPRs are due to the MPF no later than 30 days after close-out. Evaluations that violate AFI 36-2406 and all application guidance will be returned for corrections.
The Force Management Office will not process promotion eligible enlisted evaluations in the grade of SrA-SMSgt through vPC without a completed MEL. Please ensure you send the MEL to the 375 FSS/FSPM Force Management inbox.
Records & Updates
Duty Information Updates
For members requesting current duty information updates please complete requested update on an AF Form 2096 and send it to our 375 FSS/FSPM Force Management inbox. *NOTE: ALL duty history updates are made by the member to the Total Force Service Center through their myPERS account. IAW PSD Guide, Duty History, effective 7 Jan 2010.
Steps for updating duty history
On the main page of the myPERS website:
- Click on the “update my duty history”.
- Once you have read the instructions, you may request duty changes to your duty history on the left side.
- Scroll down on the web page to see your personal duty history. (You have the option here to change/correct your duty history and/or add/delete duty history.)
This allows you to see when you have submitted requested updates and this is where you attach the required supporting documents.
Duty Status Updates
Units must establish duty status procedures for members going TDY. All Air Force members MUST check-in before and after your TDY with your unit’s orderly room in order for your duty status to be updated.
For units who do not have acess to MilPDS, submit duty status updates to the MPS via email to the 375 FSS/FSPM Force Management inbox.
Additional duty status updates that MUST be reported are: AWOL, Confinement, Deserter, Sick-in-Quarters, Not Present for Duty-Other, non-contingency TDY. To assist unit POCs with duty status procedures, visit the PSD Guide, Duty Status, dtd 21 Mar 16 on myPers, located at Strength Accounting Duty Status Program.
Special Duty Pay
SDAP is utilized to recognize enlisted personnel performing duties which meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Extremely demanding personal effort is necessary to ensure successful mission accomplishment
- A greater degree of responsibility or difficulty is required over and above what is normally expected for an Airman’s grade and experience
- Special qualifications met through rigorous screening and/or special schooling
To be eligible to receive SDAP, an enlisted Airmen must meet the requirements as outlined in AFI 36-3012, Military Entitlements
- Active and Reserve component Airmen entitled to basic pay or inactive-duty training compensation(IAW Section 204 and 206 of Title 37, USC respectively)
- Meet all pertinent SDAP Table rule requirements, including:
- Be assigned to a position/perform in a duty authorized to receive SDAP
- Possessing the required AFSC(s)
- Being assigned to an eligible PAS (if applicable)
- Having completed the additional requirements, i.e., special schooling or equivalent on-the-job training for the assignment (duration of on-the-job training must be at least as long as special schooling); Have completed special schooling or equivalent on-thejob training for the assignment
- Be certified by the unit commander on a source document, which is filed in the Automated Records Management System (ARMS)
Command Authority/G-Series Orders Process
In order to process G-Series Orders, units must fill out an AF IMT 35 IAW AFI 51-509 Figure A3.1. Send the below documents to the Force Management inbox.
- AF Form 35 or Memorandum Format Order
- SURF for incoming commander
- UMD printout
- If a temporary appointment, include the absent commander’s G-Series Orders.
- If a section commander, include the unit commander’s G-Series Orders.
Adverse Actions
The Unfavorable Information File (UIF) is an official record of adverse information about an individual. Our office requires an Adverse Action Monitor appointment letter from each unit. The UIF consists of:
- All mandatory documents to include the Unfavorable Information File summary, AF Form 1137 (Please refer to AFI 36-2907 table 3.2)
- Optional documents (at the commander’s discretion)
- AF IMT 1058, Unfavorable Information File Actions
- AF IMT 1137, Unfavorable Information File Summary
The MPS maintains the UIF (except units that have fully-operational CSSs) and all of its documents/contents until the final disposition date; unless early removal of the document or UIF is warranted. Commanders initiate removal action via an AF IMT 1058 and the individual should acknowledge the action.
If the unit initiates an UIF or adds/removes documents from a member’s UIF, please ensure your route the documents through the MPF IAW Total Force Adverse Actions PSD Guide.
The Passport Office is currently open but with some limitations. Personnel can contact the Passport Agent at 375fss.passports@us.af.mil to set up an appointment.
Those with later dates of departure can contact the Passport office at above email address, but may have to wait a little longer for an appointment.
Installation Personnel Readiness
For any deployment concerns please contact IPR’s org box at: 375FSS.IPR@us.af.mil