The 375th Force Support Squadron is hosting a Job Fair on Monday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cardinal Creek Golf Course. Bring your resume for on-the-spot interviews. Open Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) positions include Child & Youth Program Assistants, Laborers, Library Aids, Recreation Aids, Recreation Assistants, Cooks, Custodial Workers, Tractor Operators, Lifeguards and MORE! Regular and flexible category positions, as well as temporary summer positions are available!
NAF positions are open to Active Duty Spouses/Dependents, Retirees, Veterans AND CIVILIANS! To apply, visit For additional information, call 618-256-3831. Want to attend the Job Fair but don’t have Base access? Call 618-256-2385 ext. 1.