American Forces Travel Now Offers Event Tickets

Concert tickets, sporting events, and more are now available through the American Forces Travel Secondary Ticket Marketplace. These resale tickets are sold by reputable companies to give customers confidence with their purchase. Enjoy zero membership fee, service fee, and shipping fee, with every ticket purchased going to help support MWR programming.

Many benefits come with choosing event tickets through American Forces Travel. There’s a wide selection of 1,000,000+ tickets, 100% money back guarantee (restrictions apply), exclusive discounts just for members, and post-purchase support with a call center open every day from 7am to 1am EST.

Don’t wait too long to book tickets to an event you’re on the edge of your seat to attend this season! Exclusive deals are available for you to make an awesome experience happen. Visit to get started and begin saving! For additional information and assistance with booking your travel on American Forces Travel, please contact your Tickets and Travel Office. DoD Civilians are able to book through their local Tickets and Travel Office, while the at home eligibility tool is being constructed.

American Forces Travel is open to all military and military-affiliated personnel who are eligible to use MWR programs. First-time users will be asked to verify their eligibility with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) database. Once verified, they are free to use the site to book discounted travel around the world. The verification process is secure and requested information will not be retained.